I Help those looking for Financial Guidance Discover and Understand
the Most Important Aspects of
Growing their Money...
So they Eliminate Risk, explode their Results, and enjoy more Peace of Mind.
Want to Identify Your Unique Financial Position and get a Customized Action Plan? Let's find out...

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Our society makes Everything About Money Confusing,
It is not! It's a series of simple math problems that can easily be solved. Here you will find everything you need to know, whether you are just starting out with trying to learn the basics, if you are trying to learn what you should be doing with some extra monthly money, or even if you are after more sophisticated strategies of becoming the banker, buying your debt back and converting your debt into wealth.
Three BIG Mistakes most people who want to Grow Their Money Make!
If you've been Infuriated with the Traditional Financial Approach to Growing Wealth and been Continually Disappointed with Less Than Stellar Results - you'll find our Simple Common Sense Approach Refreshing!
Which Dad's Dollar Dog Are You?

Start by taking the quick (five question) Dad's Dollar Dog Quiz to find out Which You Are and get a Customized Action Plan based on Your Unique Financial Position and Strengths. You will get a Step-By-Step Action Plan to help you Discover How to Strategize and Leverage the Money you work so hard for - Right Away!

Articles from the blog...
A phenomenal Infinite Banking mentor wrote some great articles that have to be shared! His perspective and the common sense way in which he integrates the infinite banking concept into our daily lives continues to motivate me. He has allowed me to share his writings as long as I keep him secret. So checkout Secret Agent’s first article here…
While researching how I should be paying my bills and debt, I came across an amazing financial GPS program that guaranteed paying off my debt in the fastest mathematical way possible. On top of that, it calculated an unbelievable amount of money that it was also going to save me in interest. I had to dive in deep to find out exactly how it works and will now share this well-kept secret with you…
For most people, completely catching onto the strategy of getting their money to move faster takes quite a bit of repeated exposure. How to velocitize the velocity of safe money growth simply means that we can grow our money faster simply by learning how to get our money moving faster. We get our money moving faster by owning more… ALL of our debt and then create more debt that we own…
People used to use checkbooks and the registers in their checkbooks to keep track of the written checks and the balance in their checking account. Somewhere along the way most people abandoned this proper way to track their spending and started trusting bank apps. This is like letting the fox guard the hen house! This is a new era of financial responsibility and there is a new program that will put you in more control of your money than you could have ever realized…